Spectrum Books For Kids
by Jennifer Clemens 

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Spectrum Books For Kids

Why Books on Autism?

Recently, I read a statistic that said that 1 in every 36 children has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Autism is on the rise in our world, and many times, families affected do not have the resources or knowledge to help their children. Sadly, this diagnosis can be very isolating for a family. 

Autism has always been very close to my heart. Two of my children have been diagnosed with autism, and I know firsthand how much of a challenge it can present, but also the beauty it brings to a family. My prayer is that these books will be a source of encouragement and a way to provide resources for families of autistic children and those who work with them.

These books are from an autistic child's perspective written about the daily challenges that
come into the life of a child on the autism Spectrum.

These books are for: