About the author

Jennifer's Autism Story:

Autism Author Jennifer Clemens

Born and raised in West Texas, Jennifer graduated at the top of her high school class and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Teaching at Angelo State University. She married her college sweetheart and began teaching shortly after. Within a few years, Jennifer and her husband had three beautiful boys, and left teaching to stay home full- time with them. During that time, she began to notice some developmental delays in one of her children and started looking for answers. Jennifer took her child to multiple doctors and therapists and had many tests run, all without a firm answer as to what was “wrong” with her child.

It wasn’t until moving across the country to Georgia that an answer finally came. The Marcus Institute for Autism in Atlanta finally confirmed what she knew all along. Her little boy had autism. From then on, Jennifer read and learned everything she could to help her little boy. Having no family close by, she leaned into the Lord and her church family for help. Fast forward a couple of years, Jennifer and her husband went on to have two more little boys, one of whom was also diagnosed with autism.

Autism has had a direct impact on her life every day and the lives of her family. Thankfully, with years of experience, she is able to help her children navigate life much easier than in the past. Jennifer has learned a few “tricks” over the years to help make life a little less chaotic and has a heart to come alongside other parents trying to figure out how to function with an autism diagnosis.

Recently, she has begun writing children’s books on autism to help shed some light on autism spectrum disorders. Whereas not all autism is the same, life if definitely different when living with someone diagnosed with autism. Jennifer hopes that she can encourage families along the way with the knowledge she has gleaned over the years and help autistic children see how beautiful they truly are!