Sleep Help Resources

Autistic Child going to Bed

Sleep Help for Kids with ASD

If you are like me, you have struggled with the endless battle over bedtime with your autistic child. Children with autism have a difficult time falling asleep and staying asleep. This challenge presents many problems at the beginning of bedtime, throughout the night, and into the next day. The struggle is real.  I am right there with you!

Listed below are a few things that have helped our family over the years. Like all things, we implemented the trial and error strategy with these things, and a few have been a mainstay for bedtime.  Most nights, these work, but full disclosure: they don't work all the time.  Perhaps they will provide your family with some relief as far as bedtime is concerned. 

Sleep Help Tips

Recommended Sleep Products 

Discovery Planetarium Star Projector

My Little guy loves using this projector. he lays there and watches the stars circle the ceiling until his eyes get sleepy and he falls asleep.

Kids Tranquility Blanket

Weighted blankets help keep children not only still, but cozy as they fall asleep.  Our boys use these every night.

HoMedics Sound Machine

We have used this sound machine for about 18 years now. We have several throughout our home. We even take them on vacation!

Play Monster Ok to Wake! Clock

This clock serves as not only a tool to help your child stay in bed, but it has a great low-light glow night light setting. This is a MUST for our family.

Sing Over Me Worship and Lullabies

We have used this CD for years with our boys. You can now download the songs to your preferred device.  These are uplifting and soothing songs for your child to help them fall asleep.